Aarhus University Seal

Paper two

Schlichter, B. R., & Persson, J. S. (2013). Co-sourcing in software development offshoring: A case study of risk perception and alleviation. In Proceedings of the 8th International Research Workshop on Information Technology Project Management (IRWITPM). (2013 ed., pp. 5-14). Milano: AIS Special Interest Group on Information Technology Project Management.

“Software development projects are increasingly geographical distributed with offshoring, which introduce complex risks that can lead to project failure. Co-sourcing is a highly integrative and cohesive approach, seen successful, to software development offshoring. However, research of how co-sourcing shapes the perception and alleviation of the well-known risks related to offshoring is limited. We present a case study of how a certified CMMI-level 5 Danish software supplier approaches these risks in offshore co-sourcing. The paper explains how co-sourcing from a mature software company may shape the perception and alleviation of common offshoring risks. Contrary to the suggestion from previous research on offshoring risks, the case shows a successful pursuit of high task uncertainty, equivocality, and coupling across sites. We found that indirect risk alleviation shaped the task related risk-taking by high attention to of the closely interrelated structure and technology components in terms of CMMI and the actors’ cohesion and integration in terms of Scrum.” http://pure.au.dk/portal/en/publications/cosourcing-in-software-development-offshoring(d4962462-3540-496c-9de6-5fdd13898aab).html